Some of my projects!

Nothing is work, if you'd rather do something else 🤔

Please see some of the projects I have worked on previously below.

To quote my 4th grade teacher (shoutout to Ms. Sandy), any feedback, even negative is always good.


CalorFi is an end to end marketplace platform that connects personal trainers, gym owners and clients together. I architected the initial minimum viable product (MVP) for a startup in the US ( view here at ) with services to handle user payments, user messaging, scheduling between 3 distinct entities and much more. Currently, I'm building the web application with Django (Python), Stripe, AWS SES, TailwindCSS and more hosted on an AWS EC2 instance

Max Aspire

An upcoming B2B and B2C service designed to build connections and mentorship between executives and job seekers, Max Aspire is a large, open source application where I've been working with a team of 5-6 developers conn building UI components and functionality with React

Kumon Schedule

After realizing I was a computer science student, I built Kumon Schedule to enable my boss at a tutoring center to reduce the time needed to build her student's schedule by pver 50% weekly. It was my first real proejct and I built and deployed the web application with MongoDB, Express, Node.js, React and Heroku. A demo is available below.

This site!

I wanted to show people my projects and poor sense of humor so I built this static, responsive, SEO friendly portfolio site with React, GraphQL and Gatsby. I believe in using the right tool for every job and I found Gatsby to be great for static sites with few pages.


What's something that everyone hates that you can talk about without risking your job? College Textbook prices. QuickBooks was an attempt to build a peer to peer bookselling app for students to save on Textbook costs developed with React Native and Firebase in a group


Movie theateres were a thing before Covid-19 and Click2Book was a group project that enabled people to book movies locally. Click2Book was built with the LAMP stack ( PHP, MySQL, Linux, Apache) and my was first valid experience working in a team


Do you hate being bored? That and learning OOP principles and threading is why I built Pack (a game very similar to Packman) in Java.